By being often mentioned as the best B-school in India, IIMB offers one of the leading MBA programs with strong research, leadership, and global perspectives. Average fees: 20 lakhs ₹ - 28.51 lakhs.
Christ University
Distinctive of the MBA program in Christ University is the holistic curriculum, the competent faculty with years of experience and the vibrant alumni network. It comes with a huge list of specializations which you can learn to perfect with time and practice. Average fees: Rs.3Lakhs -Rs4.7Lakhs.
Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (XIME)
At XIME, the Management development program(PGDM)program is the gold standard with Innovation & Entrepreneurship being its highlight. It has a network of good alumni and ensures there is good placement for students. Get more meaningful topicsAverage fees: ₹12 Lakhs.
Alliance School of Business (ASB)
The Alliance University has a curriculum that ensures a holistic MBA education with a global view. To enhance students’ experience, they will run named opportunities for student exchange programs.
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM Bangalore)
Establishing connections with potential job providers and alumni has been part of the strengths of SIBM in Bangalore as well as successful student placements. It is a tough-acting MBA program featuring the real academic environment. Average fees: ₹9.45 Lakhs.