➔ Hindu College of Delhi University is undoubtedly one of the best colleges in the world, where every student is let to his own destiny and the guidance of the faculty is simply incomparable. The college has B.A. (Hons.) philosophy program, running through three years, that will helped you to gain a comprehensive understanding of philosophy through its different schools and traditions. Within a course, many disciplines are included: logic, ethics, and epistemology as well as metaphysics.
St. Stephen's College
➔ St Stephen's College was founded with an approach to go beyond the standard academic practice. It is known for its rigorous, hard core academic programs and holistic education. Besides the academic load, the students are also exposed to various co-curricular activities that stretch their minds to a creative thinking and a better fine understanding of life. The college provides BA (Hons.) program in the philosophy wherein the students are trained in analytical thinking, critical analysis, and developing comprehensive conceptualizations. The program shares the Western and Eastern philosophical traditions and now end students with the needed education.
Kirori Mal College
➔ Kirori Mal College is well-recognized seat of learning that affords us B.A. (Hons) in the subject of Philosophy. Program's objective to build the student's capacity to carefully and analytically grasp complex philosophical issues. The study covers variety of subjects relevant to philosophy. Those subjects vary from ethics and logic to epistemology and Indian philosophy with the primary goal to improve those skills as analytical and argumentative.
Gargi College
➔ Gargi College is the women’s college that enjoys a renowned reputation. The college conducts the B.A. (Hons.) degree program in Philosophy. The learning program aims at supplying the students with a detailed imagining of philosophic terms and the ways of using them in many areas of life. The curriculum extends the frontiers of knowledge from ethics, pragmatic subjects such as logic and philosophy, metaphysics and contemporary problems in knowledge.
Miranda House
➔ Mirand House is a reputed female college that grants the B.A. (Hons.) course in Philosophy. The program teaches critical skills such as critical thinking, logical reasoning, and the ability to look and discuss philosophical ideas from multiple sides. The course curriculum involves more than simply ideas, but introduces students to questions on ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, and the flow Indian and Western philosophies.
Daulat Ram College
➔ Daulat Ram College is a very old institute which is already running because it is offering B.A. (Hons.) in Philosophy. The program is built upon the skills required in philosophical system and theory analysis, for which practical applications will be highlighted. There is a diverse area covered by the curriculum; it consists of subjects like logic, ethics and Indian philosophy and contemporary philosophical issues too.
Hansraj College
➔ Hansraj College is a popular college which offers an undergraduate course in philosophical studies leading to a B.A. in philosophy (Hons.). The program sets to create students thoughtful and critical-thinking persons by introducing them to many different philosophical traditions and concepts.